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Old May 7, 2016   #72
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 205

Last year I lost the majority of my tomatoes to squirrels, it was incredibly frustrating. I am hesitant to use plastic netting again, because it doesn't seem to stop determined squirrels (I had lots get in and get stuck), and other animals get caught it in and die a slow death.

My plan for tomorrow is to buy 2x2s and chicken wire, and make giant cages to go over groups of tomatoes, stapling the wire to a wood frame. Does anyone have good results just wrapping individual caged plants with chicken wire? And if so, how do you keep the squirrels from digging underneath?

I'm not relishing the $100+ this will cost, but today I saw more than 15 different squirrels in my yard or on the fence at the same time. It's really quite ridiculous. I could get a depredation permit for free and buy some rat shot for my .22, but I have neighbors on both sides and I think they would have a problem with it.
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