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Old April 15, 2016   #62
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Western NY
Posts: 133

We have squirrels and chipmunks- neither cause problems, but have to fence the deer and woodchucks out of the garden. Baby rabbits cause a bit of a problem when we first put plants out in the spring. The garden is out near the road- you'd think that would discourage the deer. My aunt used to have a terrible time with deer eating everything in her garden, till my dad put up a sandwich fence around her gardens. Two layers of wire fence with plastic sandwiched between the two. Deer don't like plastic. He'd leave about a foot of plastic sticking out top and bottom on the fence. Around the bottom would discourage the rabbits and woodchucks, and the noise from the plastic blowing in the wind would discourage the deer. About a 5 foot high fence. Expensive, but worth it. She had a lot of deer hanging around her yard- near the woods, and a bunch of fruit trees in the yard. My other aunt discouraged deer by fencing in and roofing her garden with wire fence. Up to about 10 feet the deer can jump right over the fence. Hers was a clearing in the woods garden-right in town, but the property backed up to the creek. Deer highway.
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