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Old April 13, 2016   #3
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Okay here is the photo.
I will be back with comments.
I'm back.
In the pictuer below is a Riesentraube plant.
In the very middle is a cluster.
You will also see one of the growing tips.
The lighter color is new growth.
As long as the plant is getting bigger and this lighter color is there the plant is growing.
This plant is an example of optimum growing conditions.
It the plant is not growing and this color goes to a darker green the plant is getting low on food and not growing.
This is only if all other conditions or right like soil temperature and ambient temperature and water.
This is when you will know to give it more food.
depending on what you use this could be several times a season or maybe only a few times.
As these lighter colored tops are expose to light they will turn that darker color you see on the leaves.

Last edited by Worth1; April 13, 2016 at 04:43 PM.
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