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Old April 19, 2007   #4
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Posts: 82

shellybean- sorry, I missed that you were in zone 8 like me. I am in Tallahassee so we do have a similar winter.

Romanesco "broccoli" is sometimes called cauliflower too. It does have a broccoli flavor, but the texture is in a class of it's own. I am not very good at describing unusual veggies, but I would say when cooked, it has a very smooth texture. It is more solid inside, so it is more like the texture of cooked cauliflower, but doesn't have all the branches that separate. I admit, we have never eaten it raw only because the kids demand to eat it steamed immediately after it is harvested.

The flavor is very good, the texture is really nice, and it is really beautiful. The kids really like it because of the beautiful swirls and bright green "chartreuse" color. The only downside is, once it is harvested, it is done. Don't expect side shoots or resprouting. I did experiment with this.

What variety do you have seeds for?

Tonight I will post a pic of one we grew a couple of years ago.

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