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Old April 9, 2016   #12
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Originally Posted by MissS View Post
Sharon, thanks for the kind words. I am feeling pretty good.

I agree with Carolyn that this is a very good tomato that Bill has given us and deserves to be grown by more people. That is why I offered this tomato this year in the 2015 MMMM and in my seed offer here at T'ville. I sent out 72 packs of Daniel Burson seeds this year. I am quite happy that so many people now have these seeds. I consider it new because it is not well known and is not widely grown, yet. It is not available for purchase by any vendors.

In reading through threads that discuss 'Daniel Burson', I have noticed that there are a lot of conflicting reports. Some report this as a late tomato, others say mid-season. Some say prone to disease and others have no problems. Fruit size differs as well.

The purpose for this thread, as stated, is to see how this variety performs in different locations. Perhaps it is a late season in one place and a mid-season in another. Is it full of disease in hot or cold weather, or is it really no problems at all? This tomato has not been discussed much at all and I think that this thread will help people to define this tomato variety and then decide if they would or would not care to grow it.

After offering 72 packs of seeds to my fellow T'villian's, I would like to know how it performs for them.
Yes, there are a lot of conflicting reports since not everyone grows it in the same year, and it depends on how they grow their tomatoes, sprawling,staked,trellis,container, and what amendments they use and which ones, and how much and when.

And most important for many is the weather in any one season,

So that's why there will never be consensus on DTM's,which really, are sheer guesstimates. No consesus on foliage diseases since not every year are those in the air and raindrops.

I can take one variety form the SSE Yearbooks where lots of folks have listed it, and I've done this before to make a point, and list the state where someone grew it and the DTM they reported. Highly variable results,which doesn't surprise me at all.

I've done many taste testings here and there over the years, and the last one was up here where I now live, and there can be more than one person bringing fruits of the the same variety and they can differ as well as to taste and subtle coloration as well.

And why is that? Aside from all the variables I listed above, which way is the garden oriented,is it flat,on a slope and facing which way, how much sun does it get,and on and on.

I guess I'm perhaps the only person who doesn't see DB as being a black, but I've only seen pictures, so will have it grown for me this summer from seeds that Bill Jeffers sent me and there will be a few other so called blacks out there as well, for comparison,such as Black Amber,Slovenian Black and an experimental black cherry multiflora..

Here's a link that IMO is well worth looking at and G Gordon Gumbo is Travis, is Bill Jeffers

Hope the above helps,

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