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Old April 8, 2016   #3
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Originally Posted by MissS View Post
Many Tomtovillian's are growing Bill Jeffers tomato, "Daniel Burson" this year. Thank you Mr. Jeffers it's a great one. Since this is a rather new variety, I thought that it would be interesting to start this thread to gather information to see how this tomato performs in various locations. This plant ought to be a potato leafed, large purple beefsteak.

Things of interest would be: Days to germination. Plant vigor and disease issues. Days to maturity. Fruit set and production. Of course, the taste and any other notes that you would wish to make.

Many of you have already started your seeds for the season, so post away. I have had to have a minor heart surgery so I will not be starting my plants for a week or two.

Your contributions to this thread are much appreciated!
I'm one who doesn't consider it a rather new variety, link to follow, but Bill (Travis here at Tville) had sent me seeds for it several years ago for the experimental section of my seed offer,not being sure it was stable.

It was a popular one and when I put up the Fall feedback report all who grew it loved it and it was stable.

To me it's not so much when it was stable, but one that deserves to have more recognition , as is true with many other varieties,that is,outside message sites,and I'm doing the best I can to facilitate that since I send seeds for trial to many seed vendors,mainly those I have known for many years.

Someone has already made a seed offer for it in I think the trade Forum, and behind me on a chair is a box with many varieties Bill sent me and one pack is full of Daniel Burson seeds and they will be listed in my upcoming seed offer.

Carolyn, just her own opinion about many great varieties,already stable that she thinks should be known more widely, and I'll make sure that Tania gets seeds as well,since when I last looked, and I just did again,she has a page for Daniels,but not Daniel Burson. And just trying to remember how many years Bill and I have known each other and it must go back to the original GW around 2000, where his user name was Hoosier Cherokee and I was as I am today,Carolyn137.
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