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Old April 5, 2016   #27
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Danbury, CT
Posts: 471

So, lately we've been seeing a fox come running thru our yard. The first time, he was very close to my dining room window. I was able to get a great view of him. What a beautiful animal. No camera handy that time. Then one day there were two! Only saw 2 of them once. Anyway, it was rainy, late morning on Saturday when I took this. His fur was kinda stuck together from the wet. I was washing dishes when he came running thru the yard and I saw him from my kitchen window. I had my camera ready and waiting, but he comes thru fast. I only got a picture of him from behind. I'm still gonna try to get a better shot. He wouldn't turn around for me.

The very next day, snow! Ugh! I thought we were done with this. So many of my perennials are up and my apple tree was about to blossom. It has stayed cold below freezing most of the time for the past 3 days. I'm hoping things don't die. Should be getting warmer tomorrow.

I checked my garden today. I had planted peas on 3/12 and some of those are up, they are none the worse for wear, as expected. Checked my lettuce, planted 3/8, tucked in under it's plastic, it is alive and well. I also planted a short row of A#1 carrots, and cylindra beets on the same day. They also germinated and are doing fine in the hoop house.

Perhaps next year, I'll start my lettuce even earlier!

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