Thread: Earl's Faux
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Old March 24, 2016   #14
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1. Aunt Ginny's Purple

2. Brandywine Sudduth - BS sometimes gets #1 if the weather is just right (1 in 5 years), and when it doesn't produce a lot of fruit (full flavored BS is too strong for me as an everyday, and more than once a day tomato)

3. Rose

4. Pruden's Purple (Prudence if Carolyn is reading)

5. Seek-No-Further Love Apple

6. Stump of the World

7. Marianna's Peace

8. Earl's Faux /(Missouri Pink Love Apple?)

9. Dester (this is my only new top 10 in several years)

10. SunGold

1 and 2 are my favorites by a good distance over the others.
3 through 9 are interchangeable, as there just isn't much difference as to which ones I like better.

Nine pink beefsteaks and SunGold sums up my flavor preferences. A few more years of trialing Grightmire's Pride, Fish Lake Oxheart (pink), several more hearts and (likely pink) beefsteaks, and I may have to change the list. It's a tough task, but I'm up to it.
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