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Old March 7, 2016   #31
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Omaha Zone 5
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Well thanks for taking a shot at it Robert. Computers were horrid for me in college (always a missed comma or period on those darn punch cards with a two day turnover - yes I'm old.) Somehow things clicked in grad school and I loved them and worked as a Cobol/Fortran programmer in a suburb of Boston until I got married too soon eons ago.

Anyway .. I'm a bit confused with the fertilizer. Onions are heavy feeders and side dressing is recommended. My onions were tiny last year, I didn't fertilize, and I don't want to make that mistake again. If the leaves (which are chipped) are still decomposing I'll be at a deficit. Hopefully someone who has used leaves will chime in.

Nothing more aggravating than a broken keyboard, always at the worst time too. Two dollars for a bunch from Dixondale is a steal. I'd go that route any day! I think it cost me more in lights!!!

- Lisa
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