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Old February 29, 2016   #66
PureHarvest's Avatar
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Location: Mid-Atlantic right on the line of Zone 7a and 7b
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But go back and read your comments on this and other threads.
You, in my opinion, used tones that came across accusatory towards people not going 100% organic.
We will leave it at that.

I like organics, but I think that there is absolutely a place for melding other practices, and I don't think that it is an indication of stupidity or failure.

Soil is filled with ELEMENTS. Those elements can come from different sources.
When those elements are properly balanced, the plant will thrive and produce good stuff.
It is a simple as that in my opinion. So, I would have to disagree on the taste factor based on this alone.

I truly believe you get rave reviews on your stuff.
But I will also tell you the tomatoes I grew last year from 100% "non-organic" fertilizer got rave reviews from a multitude of samplers, including my dad who has grown, eaten, and sold tomatoes for over 50 years.

I'm gonna check out here, because we will obviously not change eachothers minds, and I'm really not trying to troll you here and I've already littered all over your thread as it is.
Obviously I am ruffled by some of your comments and opinions, so I will say go get em' this year and kick some arse at your market!
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