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Old February 27, 2006   #4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: SW Ontario Zone 5b
Posts: 35

Thanks for the reply's!

The gypsy I have I'm ASSuming is an OP pepper, it was given to me in trade, and that person received it in trade, so I'm reasonably sure it's OP.

I do need to keep my peppers in the garden.. heck, I need to justify the garden size to DH as it is! LOL!! We have pretty good soil though after several years of working at it, and it will be worked in with additional well rotted chicken compost (very well rotted black muck) and I'll be working in some peat moss to the planting areas as well.

I will definetly make sure I take the first pepper off of each plant and see if that helps. I had always noticed the first pepper was often deformed and a bit puny, maybe by taking that first pepper it will help promote further growth and hopefully up my yields.

I'm hoping I'll have some verimcompost to be able to topdress the peppers with as well. Crossing my fingers that will be my secret ingredient to success with my sweet bells.

Now I just need to get DH to build me some mini greenhouse frames to set out into the garden to help speed soil warming... maybe I should make sure the tiller is tuned up first (as we sit here in the middle of a snow storm! LOL!!)

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