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Old February 8, 2016   #71
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Originally Posted by TC_Manhattan View Post
I want to try a GWR cherry this season.
How about Green Doctors Frosted vs. Verde Claro?

And for a full-sized indeterminate GWR, how about Green Giant vs. Malachite Box?

Tried Cherokee Green last year and it was a disease magnet. It got everything even as its neighboring plants did well. Even the stems got covered with grey mold.
While I do like Green Doctors, whether the clear epidermis one called Green Doctors Frosted or the yellow epidermis one called Green Doctors, and have a vested interest in Green Doctors since it was a mutation of the variety Dr. Carolyn, I much prefer Verde Claro bred by TomWagner and have been offering it in several seed offers here.

And please note that if you grow more than one plant of either one that you may get the clear epi one on one plant and the yellow epi one on another plant, and that b'c the epi color keeps switching back and forth

Green Giant vs MalachiteBox,I preferthelatter.

Cherokee Green is always one of the top 5 GWripes for me.

There's one GWR that not many folks know about or grow which is this one

Tania doesn't list it but it's called Delano Green Ripe and was acquired by a long time SSE friend of mine from someone I think in TN and Neil has grown thousands of varieties and thinks that this one is THE best he's ever tasted.

I just did a search here and found I said I was going to send it to someone so perhaps I still have seeds for it and if so will offer it again in my seed offer

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