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Old January 17, 2016   #12
Marcus1's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Colorado
Posts: 124

I used to grow op varieties of melons when I first started but anymore I grow nothing but hybrids. The biggest reason is production and appearance but I don't think there has been any sacrifice in flavor or sweetness. I've tried numerous varieties and try a few new ones every year. The claims about brix levels are as dependent on your growing conditions and methods as it is the genetics of the melons. Here are a few that my customers enjoy the most and ranked by my perception of sweetness and flavor.

cantaloupe, Hannahs Choice, Crescent Moon, Halona, Rock Star
honeydew, Honey Ace, If I could only grow one melon for me to eat this would be it.
annas, San Juan, Beautiful and so fragrant and sweet.
peil de sapo Lambkin

seeded watermelon , Jade Star red, Lemon Krush yellow, New Queen orange
seedless, Crispy Red, Orange Sunshine, 3521Y

I grow more varieties, these are the ones I consider the sweetest, My brother in law grows Roadside cantaloupe customers line up for them every day but they don't do well for me.

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