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Old January 12, 2016   #13
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I grew a plant that produced mega blooms on part of it, and the fruit looked impressively odd. I decided to grow it. They were not edible. The plant was supposed to be a Japanese Black Trifile (JBT), but JBT shaped tomatoes were about the only shaped tomatoes it didn't produce. I have no idea what the cross was because I didn't grow its parents, but I saved seeds from tomatoes on that plant that tasted good. I'm not sure if I'll ever grow it again, but the possibility is there. I did find that I have a couple of seeds left from that JBT seed source - I wrote F1 on that seed pack and they are stored beside the seeds I saved. I'm pretty sure Mother Nature wouldn't mind having a seed pack saved here and there of ones that didn't quite make it.

I know it's not what you asked Gerardo, but it is how I dealt with our first mega bloom. I'll most likely do it again when it happens, but I grow a lot of tomatoes - like you do.
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