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Old November 3, 2015   #54
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
Posts: 9,283

Worth, you are talking as though carbohydrates have any nutrtive value beyond energy supply. Pure white sugar has nothing but carbohydrate and I think most would agree there is nothing healthy there.
I would rather get my daily protein without the white flour attached to it, too many non nutritive calories for the paltry amount of protein present. Most Americans are not protein deficient, we get far more in our daily diet than the 3oz requirement. If you need 25 gramos /day of dietary fiber, you could get half from that only 13 grams in the cup of Whole wheat flour, then the rest from unprocessed fresh veggies and low glycemic fruits such as berries, pears, cherries, apples, stay away from tropical fruits, too highly glycemic for Deborah's diabetes. A cup of beans, for the apmount of calories packs way more nutrition in it than either flour.
BTW- as a medical professional, the word Holistic really makes my eyes roll. So much foolish non medicine and faux science is done by people saying they are wholistic, and others getting all happy about Holistic things, thinking they are being more natural and healthy. These folk remedies are used and no improvement takes place, and sometimes the patient gets better, usually worse, some even die.
So I agree with you about holistic Drs. and diet "specialists."
So, what do you think is healthy about Jiffy cornbread, and do you think it outweighs the non healthy aspects, or gives you enough nutrition for the smount of calories it has in it?
No controversy meant, this is meant as an intelligent and civil discussion, I consider you my friend, Worth.
Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
Well yes and no.
A cup of white flour contains 12 grams of protein which is 26% of you daily requirement.
It also has 86 grams of carbohydrates.
A cup of beans has 39 grams of protein and 124 grams of carbohydrates.

Dietary fiber is another story a cup of beans has 25 grams which is 100% of what you need according to whomever.
One cup of whole wheat has only 13 grams of fiber.

Now on to corn which is one of my pet peeves.

I once had to be around people that couldn't keep their mouths shut about what other people ate.
One guy would say, I cant believe you are eating that garbage,(referring to corn tortillas I was eating).
His wife was some kind of self taught holistic diet specialist and he thought no one knew more than her.

I asked him if he ever heard of nixtamalization or had his wife.
He said no.
I told him then you dont know anything about corn.
When Europeans adopted corn they didn't bring the nixtamalization process with them.
It was the super grain and people were coming down with malnutrition from it.'
400 years later people not knowing anything about nixtamalization started cussing corn because they still didn't know of or have heard of nixtamalization.

I was raised on hominy AKA Pizole of all types, it has been through the nixtamalization process.
We made our own.
My parents knew corn wasn't nutritious without this process, where did they learn it?
I have no idea but they knew.

Of all of the fad diets out there, there is one that has yet to catch on.
That is the Mesoamerican and South American way of eating.
It is a very well balanced diet that anyone can get used to.
When I use the word diet I mean literally not what it has been turned into.
Everyone on the planet is on a diet if not they would starve to death.

Take what these people ate hundreds if not thousands of years ago and add a few crops from the old world and you can eat like a king and be healthy too.
Who could go wrong with Avocados Corn processed right Tomatoes Peppers Squash Fruit Beans Nuts Potatoes a Lizard or Armadillo and Fish namely Sardines where permitted.

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