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Old November 2, 2015   #47
Worth1's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
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I had baked chicken and green beans tonight it was easy.
A leg and thigh in a small skillet seasoned with salt pepper and garlic powder.
In the oven at 350 for one hour no cover or fiddling skin side up.
Take chicken out put in plate take warmed up green beans and put them on the plate.
Wash skillet and pan beans were cooked in.
Eat wash plate and flat ware done.
While I was waiting for the chicken to cook I washed and froze the other 20 pounds of chicken I bought in 1 quart bags.
Now I have 20 chicken meals for around $9.00.
Also I put up the dishes I washed last night and washed the other dishes in the sink and put beans in a pan to soak overnight for tomorrows chili beans.
Total time about 1 hour and 30 minutes eating and all.

This is about you not me I am just giving an example of what you can do.
If you live alone buy yourself a little cast iron skillet you will be surprised what you can cook in it.
I'm skillet rich I have six of them all for different needs.

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