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Old November 2, 2015   #33
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
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Speaking of wasting money.

Where I worked in south Texas we had a huge pipe bender that with all of the accessories cost well into the many thousands of dollars.
It could bend pipe up to the size of 4 inch.
Another guy and I shared the thing from one office to another.
It came in a huge metal box half the size of the back of a pickup.

One day I was at another office and I saw the box there.
In the box was a bunch of stuff but not my bender.
I asked were the parts were and they said I dont know.
I drove to the main office and saw everything out on the ground in the rain all rusted up and corroded.
The electric hydraulic pump was gone and half the parts were missing.
I came unglued and asked what was going on.
They said they wasn't going to buy a job box for the guys so they used the one for the bender.

You have got to be kidding me, let close to $10,000 worth of stuff ruin or get lost because you are too cheap to buy a $400 job box.

And this is after you send out a memo telling everyone to charge for every little tie wrap and wire nut because we are losing money.
The owner of that company had a habit of getting in peoples faces and punching them in the chest with his finger.
He also would brow beat women till they cried.
I was one of the highest paid workers they had and was never in trouble.
That little pip squeak steered clear of me.

I was told by my boss that another guy and myself were the only two people in the company that could get away with it.
Both of us made them tons of money and kept the customers happy.

Please do something with the greenhouse I could see it being used to store old out dated computers.
Or worse a pile of old desks and moldy books.

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