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Old October 2, 2015   #37
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Evansville, IN
Posts: 2,984

I often see these threads where the question is, "If you could only grow one variety ... ???"

Of course I would NEVER grow only one variety, whether it be a cherry or a beefsteak, or a saladette type, whatever. But I take this question to mean, "what variety would you say is the absolute best variety to grow if you are limited to one cherry tomato plant?"

In that case, and with regard to cherry tomatoes, I would go to the big box store and buy one plant of Sweet Millions or Super Sweet 100, etc., because that would be the variety that would provide oodles of cherry tomatoes of the type that the most folks would enjoy eating ... sort of top of the line, run of the mill, so to speak.

However, if the question is what is the one cherry tomato you would grow if you are a seed saver, then I'd say Peace Vine or Gardener's Delight, because they are open pollinated lines very similar to Super Sweet 100, which again is a red cherry tomato that will appeal to the greater number of people with regard to appearance and flavor.

Of course I have not grown any of those four varieties for many, many years now. But then again, I would never just grow one variety of cherry tomatoes in the first place
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