Thread: Juices
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Old September 6, 2015   #166
Join Date: Jan 2015
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I'm still tripping out on making juice from a sweet potato. Amazing.

Once the sweet potatoes are harvested around here I am going to get me a couple and play with them. I think all the ones in the grocery stores have been treated with chems, so I'll wait for fresh.

Sweet potatoes are very healthy. A veggie professor I knew said if you were going to be stranded on a desert island and could only take one veggie, make it a sweet potato.

I love sweet potatoes. I think it would be interesting to see how they taste in a juice.

Green looking things are hard to get children to try. Even I see some of the television shows making them smoothies and I see the green ones and wonder if I would try it and I'm not a kid.

I read Durgan where you said you don't process fruits and veggies together that you make them up separate and mix from there. Thinking about Ted's post, I wonder how maybe making like pear or peach juice that is naturally sweet and adding just a touch of the green veggie juices just enough to color up maybe a light green would go over.

I thought about if you could kids juices in something like those little jugs of pure sugar water I see drinking and keep in the fridge and tell them they could drink more or less what they want, if that wouldn't help and slowly just start making the juice a darker green or adding a new leafy veggie little bit by little bit.

Now I could see and will try later in the season juicing some sweet potatoes, making it bit thicker and making orange swirls of it on top of oatmeal or maybe pancakes and waffles instead of syrup and white/brown sugars.
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