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Old September 6, 2015   #46
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 735

Sue, you don't have much of a fungal coat, but I am sure you are fine.

Here are some tips on how to get an awesome fungal coat, at least it works for me.

1-Extract your seeds from the tomato

2-Include chunks of the tomato and squeeze the juice out.

3-Never ever add water unless absolutely necessary

4-Try to ferment in a controlled temperature of around 80 degrees give or take a few degrees

5-Never ever cover the container the seeds are fermenting in

6-Do NOT stir or swirl until you have a fungal coat, sit on your hands if you must

7-After you see a fungal coat then you can stir

Doing this I have been getting really nasty fungal coats in about 36 hours ,the kind where it looks like you added cotton balls to your jar.Good Stuff

I let it ferment for another day stirring and swirling at will

And Carolyn, I think we agree on most of these points
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