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Old March 16, 2007   #5
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 361
Default Hi Carolyn!

Thanks for stepping into the breach Carolyn. I missed the news about Craig's dad. I'm sorry for his loss.

Seeds from early to mid-90s I'm pretty sure. I shot my wad and planted everything and put the envelopes through the shredder. Yes, I'm giving myself a slap for that trick. They were all from the USDA as far as I know and he did not supply any info about them. Maybe you or others have grown these successfully and can tell me about them.

Stor Gul

I soaked one for three days in water, one in water with a tiny amount of milk, (just for the heck of it), one in weak tea. I think I might have tried some extra seeds in a weak Miracle Grow solution. Talk about a failing effort.

I have kept the seed starting medium moist, but not soggy. Have not tried watering with any other solution. Maybe I should try.

The good news is I have lots of other seeds produced in the last few years that started nicely, so I'll probably be begging people to take seedlings again, but I love growing the mystery seeds. Thanks for any advice.

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