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Old August 26, 2015   #1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Connecticut
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Default Lets try this seed saving thing again

OK, first try last year, did a really bad job and I knew it at the time, too much other stuff going on. I Let the seeds dry out in the container and not surprisingly no germination when I tested them this year, so I tossed the entire lot. I just scraped out the seeds from my first ripe Estler's Mortgage Lifter tomato this year. Could not bring myself to toss the entire tomato in the container, I had to eat it. Now, there is only about 1/2 inch of seeds and goo in the bottom of the container, which has been sitting on my counter for about 36 hours. Hopefully I haven't done anything wrong yet, lol.

What next? Is that enough goo or do I need to squeeze some tomato juice from another tomato in there or add water? How much do I need? Will they ferment on my kitchen counter or rather my craft room counter or warm window sill or do they need to be outside? I am afraid they will get blown over or knocked over when I am at work if I leave them outside.
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