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Old August 20, 2015   #6
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Low Country SC
Posts: 37

My garden was full of leaf footed bugs this summer. I've got some fields of really tall weeds adjacent to my garden. Those fields harbored a never ending supply of leaf footed bugs. Insecticidal soap will kill them on contact (adults and juveniles). They like to gather on my sunflower heads in the afternoon which made it pretty easy to come by and destroy 20 to 30 of them each day after work. I just had to find which sunflowers were host to that day's gathering.

I had a never ending train of leaf footed bugs coming into the garden, so my frequent soap massacres were not enough.

I ordered these 6x8 bags late in the season. I wrapped up 2 or 3 tomatoes in each bag, and when the redness was shining through I unwrapped a damage free tomato. I noticed they are out of the 6x8s. I would search for something similar or use a smaller size and put wrap one tomato in each bag.

I'm guessing this works against pretty much anything trying to eat your tomato (sentient beings excluded).
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