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Old August 4, 2015   #4
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Zone 7 Southern Oregon
Posts: 187

I was trying to decide whether to install a system to irrigate all my landscape plants to begin with.Most plants are still on the smallish size.Problem is that I have probably 250' to lay tubing..and probably 50-60 plants to water.As I get older,it takes longer and longer to water due to the heat.I thought that a drip system might make the watering easier.I am on a well as I mentioned earlier.That might be problematic,as the pressure does drop significantly before the pressure drops to the point that the pump cycles again.

I should maybe look locally for tubing,as I have things shipped here,and that tubing would take a lot of space I am thinking.Trouble is,anything like drip irrigation is going to be really expensive here.

I probably should investigate costs here before I proceed further.


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