Thread: Cilantro?
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Old March 13, 2007   #13
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I like cilantro it is used in traditional Mexican food more than you think, but as usual - Tex Mex restaurants tend to throw there own twist on things which is ok I guess.

The best way to experience some of the food our Mexican friends eat is to go to some of the places they eat not where a bunch of, ‘in their words Anglos eat.

Some of these places are quite nice; one for example is on the east side of 35 on 7th street in Austin in an old house right by the highway.
They make their own corn tortillas that are out of this world.

The folks are friendly and you get treated great, the prices are for the working class and the portions are more than enough.

After working around Mexicans from south of the border and befriending many of these folks, I have picked up on some of the things to ask for.

Al Pastor is one of them, and if you want a jalapeño pepper that is not pickled you ask for jalapeño Verde or jalapeño fresco entero make sure you roll the R’s and excuse the spelling, I can say it but I can’t spell it.
This will give you a whole green pepper with your meal.

If you want a pickled jalapeño you ask for jalapeño vinagre, excuse the spelling and roll the R
As you are an Anglo they will look at you a little funny as Anglos don’t eat peppers this way.
Cilantro is served on just about everything they eat you just have to ask for it.
If you like the looks of what the guy next to you is eating just ask him what it is and he will give you a lesson in Mexican Spanish then when you get it right go up to the counter and ask for it.
You will get a big smile from the girl behind the counter and make a lot of friends to boot.
Then if you treat these folks with the dignity they deserve on the job and help them out when you can, they will tell you to come eat with them and you will have friends from now on.
Just bring some peppers, good tomatoes from the garden and some BBQ’ed ribs like I do and share with everybody.

You wouldn’t believe some of the crazy food I have eaten.
Remember these guys and gals come here knowing how much the big majority of the US citizens despise the fact they are here.
We don’t have to be part of that crowd.

I helped a landscaping crew haul plants from a trailer one day after work just because I like to plant things.
I would point to the plant and the foreman, ‘who could speak very little English and very much surprised, would point to where they went.
They got through about an hour early and he pointed to an ice chest, inside it was full of cold drinks; ‘I got one and thanked him for it.
The next day we had lunch.
We can let food and good deeds bring us together in a way no other thing can.
Cilantro is just one of them.
Have a good day and enjoy your cilantro.
here is a pic of where the landscaping took place the lady use to have a show on PBS KLRU some years back a real nice lady.

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Last edited by Worth1; November 17, 2012 at 05:45 PM.
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