Thread: Radishes
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Old March 12, 2007   #15
tjg911's Avatar
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The picture you posted is good.

For those interested, the large carrot sized radish that is green on the top and white on the bottom appears to be Green Misato. I have grown GM for the past 3 years and I like it the best of the winter radishes I've grown. Some are hot but some are milder. They require 60-70 days to grow so you have to plant them in mid August here. Do not plant winter keeping radishes in the spring as they'll bolt as the days grow longer because winter keeping radishes are for late summer planting with 60-80 days to maturity. I pull them in late October or early November after they'd been hit by several frosts. I store them in a plastic grocery bag with a damp napkin. This variety stores about 6 months, I have about 5 pounds left.

I have about 10 pounds of Round Black Spanish. I have pickled them (salt for 30 min, rinse, cover with rice vinegar) but other than that I have no idea what to do with them. Recipes?

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