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Old March 9, 2007   #6
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Originally Posted by akgardengirl View Post
I just ordered a dwarf fig bush (?) called "Negronne". It is suppose to do well in containers, which is good since it will have to come inside when the temperature dips. It is hardy to zone 7. They, Territorial Seeds, will ship it in May after the frosts. I see that they also have Pineapple Guava which can be container grown. Anyone tried these?
Another name for the Goji Berry is Wolfberry. I don't think I can drag these indoors for the winter tho. I paid $20+ a lb. for the dried Goji berries and they are good. I nibble on them very slowly!!
I have been growing a "Meyer Lemon" dwarf tree for a couple of years. It now has a regular sized lemon that is ripening. Upon inspection lately, I discovered the dreaded scale so it was doused down with neem oil and dishsoap. I am keeping a better eye on it and picking off any new bugs that appear. The scale jumped from a bay laurel shrub I had indoors which has since been banished to the garage.
Sue B.

I stumbled upon Pineapple Guava in the S. F. Bay area. We (my family) were visiting some friends in Pleasanton, CA. I noticed these odd looking fruits growing from their hedge. (Yes, hedge!) Being the adventurous (foolish?) fellow I am, I picked one, tore it open, and tried a tiny piece. After waiting a couple minutes to see if I had died, I went in to announce my find. Our host, who had justr recently moved into that house, told me the previous owners had mentioned that they were edible, but that she hadn't tried them.

Well, I havested 30 or 40 of them, and we all feasted on them. Delicious! Their meat is somewhat kiwi-like, sweet, with seeds that remind me of kiwi seeds. Hmmm. Now everyone will think they're like kiwis-yet they are not. Oh, well. We cut them in half, and used teaspoons to scoop the meat out. I guess we got two bites per fruit.

Let me offer a gentle warning against eating too many in one sitting as they will affect about 8 to 12's stool will be considerably softened. (Sorry, folks.)

Anyway, I planted two in my yard last year. They are approx. 2 feet apart, and will grow (with good pruning) into a mini hedge. I am considering removing 3 shrubs beside them to be replaced with 4 more Pineapple Guavas. We'll see.

Here's a list of the fruits growing in my yard:

1 Asian pear 3-way combo
1 sweet fuyu persimmon
1 desert king fig
5 blueberries (blue crop, blue ray, chandler, duke, and one whose name escapes me)
3 lingon berries
a dozen or so raspberries-Amity, I believe
1 columnar apple
1 ultra-dwarf peach
1 ultra-dwarf van cherry

On a recently purchased rental property, I planted two Asian pears, one sweet fuyu, and two blueberries.

I only got the fruit bug 2 years ago, so I'm still working on the list. I'm trying to figure out where I can put a plum and 2 Paw Paw tress. Well, I know where, but my wife doesn't want me to rip out the three flowering cherries. <sigh>

You mentioned Territorial Seed Co., which I love. There is another place you might be interested in. This place specializes in fruiting trees.

I really like this place. It's only about 75 mins away.
Learning to speak tomato!
Got compost?

Last edited by mresseguie; March 12, 2007 at 01:29 AM. Reason: added 3 fruit trees.....poor memory
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