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Old July 7, 2015   #49
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 733

Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
I starting fermenting three varieties of OP Tomato seeds yesterday. One was Amish Gold. The method of fermenting is in a clear glass jar with nothing over the top. I put somewhere around 300 seeds and some tomato pulp in the jar along with 16 oz. tap water. Today, nearly all the seeds are floating. I swirled the jar and most of the seeds are still floating. I would guesstimate 10% are on the bottom of the jar and the other 90% are floating.

I should add that the tomatoes were never inside our air conditioned house. The seeds were extracted the same day they were picked fully ripe. The fermenting jar is sitting on a stainless steel table under full dappled shade (Never full sun) it is right beside an oak tree. The temperatures have been in the low 90s for daytime highs and mid 70s for lows. The last time I looked at these seeds fermenting was at 24 hours after putting the seeds in the jar.

Do you think this is just a batch of bad seeds, or do they still have a chance to sink?
It sounds like your seeds haven't started fermenting yet and are sill locked in the gel since it has only been one day.I think they will gradually start sinking when fermentation takes place.One way to tell if fermentation is taking place is to sniff the container.If it smells like tomato juice you aren't fermenting yet.If or when it starts smelling like tomato wine you are fermenting.It is fine to add enough water to liquify your mixture, but not too much.

Disclaimer: This is my highly unscientific opinion
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