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Old July 6, 2015   #40
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Originally Posted by BlackBear View Post
oh my mistake ..I was thinking hot water bath treatment .....

Where do you get the parameters / techniques/ tables for dry heat method ?...

this is indeed a different ball of wax !

As many sources of seed can travel quite a long geographical way, they may have diseases that are not " the usual " for the new grow area.

Some how even ToMV could be hidden in seeds to an unsuspecting grower???
I get exotic seeds from the greatest people near and far and it is added
insurance that I buy with a small additional effort.

Depending on how risks evolve you work that out whatever combinations of
treatments are acceptable to the certifying body, such as in the case of a
modest operation producing foundation seed.

There was a process control manual of sorts in that place I was at that did this,
however it was company property, and seriously very dull reading and there
was too much else to do ... and mostly was concerned with chemicals and
I don't know if there is one pdf compilation of methods somewhere, since these
things are not set in stone due to the funky nature of seed viability vs.
sterilization of pathogens being can of worms in an industry that is another can
of worms. Maybe someone else is up to a literature search or mining expedition

Maybe you can call these guys and if they are nice they can refer you to a
publication of what's going on in Canada, but it is more likely you'll just meet
with a wheelbarrow full of red tape and running around:
You could invest in a call and have your specific question written down in a way
they could refer you to a name and number of a public servant who knows
something. I wonder if whoever's overseeing organic has a tomato seed heat
standard and supporting info behind it.

Otherwise just browse the literature if you are curious and want to expand you
knowledge base, mostly just to get a greater feel for what regarding the trials
and errors that are made as the treatment is made more intense, and the
infection levels are supposedly found to go to zero, by picking a random
pathogen. Wish I had a link to give for an overview, sorry this is the best I can do.
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