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Old June 28, 2015   #13
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Zone 8a
Posts: 64

Thank you, topazgirl170. Kind of you to say!

Things have been busy. Everything is growing and for the most part looking okay, but there are some critical points I'd really like to focus on in this post; Things I've noticed that could be improved upon in future attempts. But before I get into the problems, let's take a look at the good.


In the first bed planted we have 4 Blue Beauty, 2 Rosso Sicilian, and 2 Cherokee Purple.

The second bed was planted with 2 each of Red Velvet, Purple Bumblebee, Riesentraube, Chocolate Cherry.

In addition to the beds, there are a number of buckets at this location and another.

In the first row are 6 Pritchard's Scarlet Topper, and 4 Woodle Orange. The second row holds a Yellow Gooseberry, a couple more Red Velvet, but is mostly Sungold Select II.


Things had been growing at a rapid pace. I had to put up the 4th line of wire on the t-posts. Well, actually, I had originally spaced everything to be 3 holes up the post a part, or roughly about 2'. I decided that was too far apart, so moved everything so it was a wire every other hole, or roughly about 15" apart, which worked MUCH better at keeping all the secondary growth inside the supports. You can see the top of the one Chocolate Cherry on the far right has reached a true 6' mark. This puts me into a situation where I have to extend the supports much sooner than I had expected. I THINK, I'll buy more t-posts and cut them down to the desired extension lengths and just bolt them to the current pots, but time will tell.

I hope you are enjoying my garden as much as I do. Feel free to comment with suggestions or ideas where you see room for improvement. Remember, I know dirt but this is only my second season growing tomato vines.

My next post is going to be all about the current issues I am facing with this garden and I could really use the help of this community to come up with concrete answers which will make finding a solution much easier!
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