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Old June 17, 2015   #18
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 132

Originally Posted by Lee View Post
Perhaps an arborist could come out and tell you that selective pruning of the Locust tree would be good for it and the fact that the selected branches are the ones shading your garden makes it a win-win!

Good luck!


P.S. My dad grows his tomatoes (I provide the seedlings) with about 4-5 hours of direct sun. He typically has more and larger fruit than I get with my 12 hours of direct sun. I attribute mostly to his soil, which may be more critical than the amount of sun.
Containers can also be a good compromise, and there are plenty of great dwarf tomatoes that do excellent in containers.
There are plans to get an arborist out here this fall to selectively prune the tree

Interesting, so I suppose the part of my garden growing on my neighbor's property should be viable

The only direct sun I get in the back yard is not actually on my property. I didn't realize it when I put the raised bed in because there's a depression there that everyone assumes is the property line. I looked up where the property line was located because I was planning to expand my garden and I discovered that my garden was already over the line. oops...
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