Thread: Fig Tree
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Old June 16, 2015   #5
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
They are called Black Mission Figs.
Here is a link to figs.
You would be better off with celeste.
I wasn't even thinking about fig trees when I picked up this guy, but for a couple of bucks, I couldn't pass it up.

Neighbors' have the Brown Turkey Fig. It's ok. Their fruit is so sweet you can't stand to eat more than 3 or 4 figs without starting to feel ill.

I'll google Celeste in a bit to see what it is like.

Thanks for the name.

Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
I forgot your question about the leaves.
Is it in a container if so it is dried out figs in containers are a real chore and hard to do.
And they are one of the few trees you can plant in the ground deeper than the root ball.
I have some figs on a tree in the back but I dont want to put up with chiggers to see if any are ready.

Yes, it is in a one gallon container. I have the plant in an isolation area as I haven't had time to even see what kind of soil it is in or anything. The guy I got it from, I have no idea where he gets his plants from. Some nursery, somewhere and the rest of his fruit trees are those ones that come in a tiny bag and he stacks piles of them bags up.

I have no idea how old it is, but it has been pruned back from last year for sure . Actually it looks more like a fig bush right now than a tree.

I tried to post a pic, but paint won't reduce the pic. Says I'm out of memory or something. Puter is acting up again. grrrrr

No way. Don't even think about checking. You sure don't need any more chigger bites for a while. Figs here are no ways ready yet. Yours may not be either.

Originally Posted by habitat_gardener View Post
I have a Black Jack fig tree. I'd been wanting this variety because it's a smaller tree, and fortuitously someone at my local garden share brought cuttings one day. I had it in a container for at least a year, and now it's in the ground. When it was in the container, I put a larger container around it to keep the roots a bit less hot. I also mulched the surface. It did ok in the container, and it's doing even better in the ground -- at least 3 figs are forming!

Black Mission or Black Jack is probably what you have. But there's also
Ischia Black
Black Madeira
Black Marseilles
Black Portugal
Black Weeping
Black Triana
Malta Black
Don't just get a warm and fuzzy feeling when your finally able to get a plant you want. That was so nice of them to share. Three figs is good to start out with. Hopefully you'll get a few more. The fig type we have here usually doesn't take to many years to really start producing.

Thanks for the suggestion. I think I will do that til I can figure out where I want to plant it. Especially with this heat. I better check on the height and width of this fig. Didn't even think about that before I put it in the ground. I hate redigging.

Oh my! What a list of figs. Never even knew they existed. Now I'm curious and will have to look them up.
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