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Old February 24, 2006   #3
Gimme3's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Northeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 348

One Tip, an a whole lotta WANT TO , myself, jus like You, Cindy...what do they call that Chinese i ain't sure if Yin is positive, or if it might be Yang...but anyway, i'm jus like you, i feel like i been gardenin long enough to have done Better on sweet bells, than my track record exhibits. I'm gettin serious about Im tryin to send ya some Yin, or Yang, ,

The first fruit a bell pepper will set, occurs in the crotch of it's first major fork. This fruit, quite often, becomes deformed, by the pressure of the 2 stems emanating at the fork. Pick this fruit early...for 2 reasons.'s the first fruit, always...kill it, an that tells the plant it aint nowhere near fulfillin it's destiny (encourages greater bloom). get the opportunity to go ahead and enjoy a good fresh bell, rather than sittin back on ya haunches an tryin to let the plant give it's best, from day 1 of yield. I jus learned, this winter, thru research, that sweet bells consistently throw that first fruit, right into the crotch of their first fork.

I presume you already know about such things as epsom salts, dry feet,,,so...i got no better advice. Like i said, i'm jus like you, Craig, Andrey, an others...i'm workin doin a better job of these wonderful plants, myself, an i sho do appreciate any new tips anybody else has to throw in, here...)))

Best Wishes...
....Can you tell a green Field.....from a cold steel rail ?
Roger Waters, David Gilmour
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