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Old June 5, 2015   #98
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 1,369

I just want to thank everyone for helping me Almost 20 years collecting and understanding the Secret Food History of Contrabands Slaves taught to them by Native Americans. It took many years to locate the Muscadine Grape Vine that a Contraband Slave by the Name of James Kirkpatrick Give for this Historical Property. We locate and Identified it in 1998, but was growing on another property. My Husband brought that property for me which gave us the land for a pure historical Farm involving the farming life of Two Contraband Families. I have been to busy too reply to many farms I received my Knowledge from. Its' been very hard founding all the Historical Native Americans Vegetables grown on our historical farmland. But with your help: especially trying very hard to understand my Mission for the Unforgotten Contraband Slaves who helped rebuild our Country after the Civil War, was very hard for many to understand. I have always called myself "Mrsjustice" because I was born a "Justice Fighter". All My Missions in life was to better society in a positive way. I take on many Missions in life without someone paying me to do so. It come from my Heart. While collecting Food History across the United States for many years with my Husband. Many Native Americans, Amish, Hawaiians Farmers and small historical Heirloom Farmers like myself have real concerns that needs to be addressed. Maybe we can have a United States Farmers Summit, once a year using our historical Seeds to Feed underdeveloped Counties. Why do you think?
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen
MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs

Last edited by MrsJustice; June 5, 2015 at 11:49 AM. Reason: Dyslexia
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