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Old June 2, 2015   #12
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Originally Posted by IronPete View Post
Great thread!

I have both Virginia Sweets and Old German in the garden this year and at this point would have to say that the plants look totally different from one another (my two VSs have identical foliage where the OG is much darker foliage and differently shaped leaves.

Can't wait to try the finished maters! I am not a big tomato-eater (I eat lots but in other things like sauce so taking a bite out of an uncut tomato is not something I could do) so the milder flavour of the bi-colours (I think Craig's word was 'bland') makes it just right for me.

Just my 2 cents worth! Iron Pete
Yes , great thread that was suddenly dropped about a year ago.

I came across this in Google search , the reason being I happened to be growing Big Rainbow. I also visited several seeds sellers sites. But the info there has been just like what you find on the seed packet.

Now that I am here, I would like to find first hand information from those who have grown BR in the recent past and/or growing it this season, so that we can trade notes during the season.
Well, of course, other variety names in the opening post would also be interesting to talk about in terms of growing, productivity, taste and other particulars about them.
The history and genetics, DNA already discussed enough already, I think. Personally, I am not qualified to get into that. Neither am I interested about it. However, the topic is open for those interested.

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