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Old March 2, 2007   #3
cdntomato's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Posts: 554

It'll be a multi-part deal ($50 with book, $35 if you already have it).

I've arranged sessions to be delivered on Sunday afternoons to accommodate out-of-towners and farm/school schedules. In short:

March 18: Slip production how-tos, land selection and prep, variety selection and tuber sales (from Ken), though a few of us are also doing a bulk order of slip stuff from Greg Wingate in NB. (location of session to be confirmed)

May 27 (rain date June 3): on the land (Inverary ON, where I farm but not my patch likely), land prep including plastic mulch skin (my term) application tricks, assessment of good and bad slips, planting out, general q and a on growing and trouble shooting

fall: harvesting and curing and storing

January 2008: some kind of Slow Food convivium to sample all the varieties folks grew, share stored seed tubers and have a general mid-winter perk-up at the farm. Andrea and I plan to roast the SPs in her AGA and over the wood stove fire. Oh, yummmmm. And if I know this group, there'll be some seed sharing too. Well, I'll be sharing with them.

Only 10 participants, so everyone should be able to really interact with Ken. Lovely, lovely man.

Let me know if you are interested.

Jennifer, who knows that Nancy Hall is grown for her taste not her looks

Last edited by cdntomato; March 2, 2007 at 07:55 AM.
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