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Old May 22, 2015   #23
Dewayne mater
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Oh, I have them and have had them that I know of for 3 weeks. I suspect I had them earlier because I started noticing blossom drop and then started looking for them. In the future, I'm going to randomly look for them and perhaps put out yellow sticky traps to get an indicator of when they arrive. As for fruit that is set, the answer is yes:
Also, they can give your plant TSWV, then its church. So, they are a serious pest.

Dealing with them? There are a couple of threads on that circulating now. The article I just linked points out the using pyrethroids, something I've done with permetherin (sp?) is bad because it wipes out their natural predators. I would say ideally, you would use natural predators and allow them to keep the balance, but, I don't have any of the known predators and haven't found a place to order them, yet. Some say the traps work to reduce the population. Neem - nyet. This year using a bactericide identified on Tville has reduced, but never got close to eliminating them.

Dewayne Mater
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