Thread: Produce Prices
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Old May 19, 2015   #27
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Originally Posted by JohnJones View Post
My point is Ethanol could not feasibly exist as a competitive product without guvmnt subsidies, making it kind of an abomination, like most things the gov gets into.
The subsidies are involved in many things in one way or another.
My cousins get subsidized on their wheat farm and buy a new truck all of the time with the check.
Back in the 70's we started to not have to pay highway taxes on our farm fuel.

But enough of that.
My concern is about the poor mileage you get from alcohol.
This offsets the benefits by itself not to mention the pollution involved just to make it.

The only reason they put 15% gasoline in the E 85 is to be able to start the engine.
We would have to start our Drag car with a squirt bottle to get it running on alcohol.

Farmers are going to do what is best for them and their families and to keep their farm and we need to support them.
What happens in the market isn't their fault.
If corn is the best crop to make money from then that is what they will grow.
Unfortunately this all happened because somewhere someone got people to thinking we were dependent on oil from the middle east.
We aren't and haven't been for a long time.
The other reason is misinformed people were told that alcohol was the answer to this and it was better for the environment. (not)
The poor farmer was left holding the bag.

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