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Old May 19, 2015   #5
Join Date: May 2012
Location: massachusetts
Posts: 1,710

4th year hydroponic grower. Bato buckets with perlite and some experimentation with pine shavings in bags which works pretty well for potato.
I have been using Yara calcinit + peters 5-11-26 + epsom salt. All available at customhydronutrients.
Might switch to jacks 5-12-26 only because I can pick it up locally. Both of them are complete hydroponic nutrient formulae, the 5-11-26 may need epsom for additional magnesium.
With the peters and yara I never ever have to fool with ph. Stuff just grows. Adding sea water last year they tasted good but the plants definitely were tortured by it.
This years experiments include sea90 added to bring chloride up to 100ppm or so for flavor. Should be below the yield.reduction threshold we will see.
Coir grow slabs, cause they are hassle free.and cheap.
Adding potassium sulfate to get potassium up to to levels useable by luxury potassium consumers. Running something like this this season, will ease in the salt after fruit set to increase sugar and acid levels in the tomato. I just watch the plants they will tell me if I am feedin too much or too little or if they are missing something.

N 190
P 40
K 350
Ca 170
Mg 50
Micros are in range when jacks or peters are used
You can make it as simple or complicated as you want

I think you will find the jacks or peters quite economical.

Hydrobuddy is what I use to calculate nutrient ppm. Lots of resources online about tomato hydroponic nutrient ppm requirements.

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