Thread: Produce Prices
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Old May 18, 2015   #19
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

I'm with the above 2 posters. I would love to be organic, but it will never happen, not the way we farm. We do fairly well with some crops, but others need some chemical help. Often it's just after germination, like vine crops for Cucumber beetles. I tell my customers. I'll put a sign "only BT on the cabbage and broccoli" so people know. I try to ask what I think is a fair price for both me and the customers. Not gougy organic prices, but usually not quite as cheap as Wal-mart either.

We try to rotate the crops to different areas from year to year. That usually means probably 1/2 of what we grow is following our corn and yes we grow Roundup-ready corn. And frankly I'm thankful for that. Before, the chemicals needed to grow corn were SSSOOOOO toxic that no vegie could be grown in that land for the next season or sometimes even 2. So many farms around here had chemicals in their well water before Roundup, especially Atrazine.

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