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Old May 15, 2015   #41
TomatovilleŽ Moderator
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Location: Hendersonville, NC zone 7
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How about a slightly different POV from someone who doesn't find themselves here very often lately - me!

I think people may also come and go because of change - in life's circumstances, hobbies, time availability and constraints. Personally, it's about time and energy - and the changes that the book provides (at the moment, anyway). My time on the computer - which is less than it used to be (especially in gardening season), is more about working to reach a larger audience - I am blogging much more than I used to, but also the elements of social networking - Facebook, Twitter, Instragram - and the travel and activities that put me in front of people - there are just so many hours in a day, and so much energy.

So I suspect my really active participation here gets to be more seasonal, and will depend upon what's next. The Straw Bale book that comes out in December is a pretty small thing - certainly won't lead to the type of year that the tomato book has initiated. I am pondering what book 3 will be....and I am also playing with the idea - kind of seriously, really.....of a weekly - or biweekly - podcast. Now that sounds like a fun thing to do...and I may just do it! Tomatoville is in good hands - questions get answered well and quickly, and members are learning new things, from each other.
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