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Old May 13, 2015   #246
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

I have 3 gardens! Usually I spread plants out among them, but somehow I got the idea that this year I could plant one of each at one garden, and duplicates in the other 2 gardens. Hmm.

It was hard to choose, but I limited myself to 40 varieties from seed. (One or two might be missing from the list below.) I planted (too) many extras of some varieties, anticipating garden shares, plant exchanges, etc. I've given away a few flats and will have quite a few left over.
The ones with the asterisk are new to me. So far I've planted only one bed (15 plants). Lots of garden work to do this week!

*Blackberry, midseason large black KY

*Bulgarian Old Sort/ No Name, midseason large red round, Bulgaria

*Bulgarian Triumph, midseason small red, compact plant, Bulgaria

*Burning Spear, midseason orange small pointed plum, wispy foliage

Druzba, midseason red medium round, Bulgaria, very reliable here (grew lots to give away)

*Dynnye, midseason large orange Russian "melonlike"

*Elgin Pink, large pink sweet

*Esmerelda Golosina, green small

*Grightmire's Pride, midseason medium pink heart, wispy foliage, Yugoslavia

*Grosse Verte Rose, midseason medium irreg multicolor, France

*Joe's Pink Oxheart, large pink heart, Ozarks

*Margaret Curtain, early large black

Marizol Bratka (Purple Brandy), midseason potato-leaf large pink, stable cross of Bwn x Marizol Purple, one of my favorites the year I grew it

*Marmande Verte, midseason medium green, mutation of red Marmande

*Maya & Sion's Airdrie Classic, midseason potato-leaf medium red, stable cross of Bwn x Stupice

*Orlov Yellow, mid/late season potato-leaf orange large

*Pale Perfect Purple, early pink potato-leaf medium, compact plant

Pruden's Purple, midseason potato-leaf pink large, very reliable here (grew lots to give away)

*Raspberry Beret F1, early

*Roza de Zarautz, semi-determinate early-midseason heart

*Rozovyi Myod (Pink Honey), midseason large pink heart, Russia

Russian Rose, midseason medium pink, Russia, best-tasting one last year, though not very productive

*Sakharnyi Pudovichok,

*Sweet Ozark Orange, midseason large orange, stable cross of Dr Wyche's Yellow x German Red Strawberry

Tobolsk, midseason med yel/orange, Russian heirloom, one of my favorites the year I grew it, and the reason I'm growing several other orange varieties

*Weisnicht's Potato Leaf, midseason potato-leaf medium pink, MN family heirloom

*Zolotoy Serdtse, early, small orange heart, determinate, Russian "heart of gold"

CHERRIES: my original plan was to plant most of them in a front-yard hugelkultur bed, but I've reconsidered because it may not get enough sun, and it's a new bed. I usually try not to plant more than 3-4 cherries, and for this project I limited myself to 10, more or less. I figured a little shade would enable me to try them and not be inundated with too many per plant, and in the front yard if passers-by stole a few, there'd still be enough.

*Black Hole Sun, midseason black/purple large grape

*Brandywine Pink Cherry, midseason potato-leaf pink large cherry to small saladette

Carbon Copy, black cherry

*Cherokee Green Grape, midseason green small, determinate

*Green Zebra Cherry, green striped round cherry, Germany, not related to GZ

*Guernsey Pink Blush, midseason pink cherry/salad, mutation of NZ tomato

*Honeydrop Cherry, early/midseason yellow cherry

*Kiss the Sky, midseason small purple cherry/salad, OP version of Purple Haze F1

*Microbeicum Occimum, red cherry

Pink Vernissage, midseason striped pink cherry/salad, Ukrainian, stable cross of Stupice x Kitaiskiy Barkhatnyi, a terrific dried tomato (grew lots to give away)

*Robe Mountain Tommy Toe, pink cherry (the red variety, Tommy Toe, is one of my standards)

Zluta Kytice, midseason yellow cherry, Czech "yellow flowers", compact plant (grew lots to give away)

In addition, I obtained some seedlings...

Ace, midseason round red medium mild/sweet -- spent $1.39 on a 4-inch pot of 2 plants back in March, intending to plant early, but the garden beds weren't ready. They're still in large pots and not in the ground yet! (Also got a whole bunch of tiny seedlings in a 6-pack from a visitor, and potted up 25 of them. Gave all of those away.)

*Sexy Beast, a Love Apple variety
*Delano Green, another GWR
Orange Russian 117, very fruity the last time I tasted one
-- from someone in my local gardening group who attended the tomato workshop at Love Apple Farm and had some extras to give away. I restrained myself.

Caspian Pink
-- another gardener left a whole flat of seedlings at the community garden, couldn't resist an old favorite

*Enchantment F1
-- from a local plant sale, where I heard it was Rosalind Creasy's favorite tomato (she wrote the book Edible Landscaping), so I figured I had to try it

*Orange Jazz
*Orange Caprese (Sunol)
*Green Tiger
-- couldn't resist 3 new releases of Artisan Tomato varieties, plus another GWR (got them directly from Fred's farm)

And one more cherry tomato at tonight's garden event:
*Crete Olive, described as a large olive shaped cherry tomato with excellent flavor

Ppppers: only 3 varieties.
Slonovo Uvo

Plus, so far, several varieties each of cucumbers, summer squash, winter squash, and melons. Probably only one variety of pole beans this year, though.

Last edited by habitat_gardener; May 14, 2015 at 02:48 AM. Reason: One more
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