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Old April 22, 2015   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Vernon, BC
Posts: 720

Hiker, I've seen lot of tomatoville members rave about Espoma products and I'm using Tomato tone myself this year. Just an observation, your germination rate there looks great (if you planted one seed per pod) and the seedlings have shown growth without disease so I would say that your seed starting mix is a success!

Generally speaking, your plants are "leggy" due to not getting the light/sun they desire and they are purplish due to being at colder temps than they like (even though some varieties are just purple). So anything you can do to keep them warmer and with more light/sun should help them...

Hope this helps.

Oh, you can pay a lot of money for high quality seed starting mix, but if your just a casual gardener and planting less than a hundred or so plants then I wouldn't worry about spending too much on starter mix (my 2 cents).
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