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Old April 21, 2015   #3
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: RI
Posts: 42

Thanks, Karen!

I don't have any way to set my lights up in front of a window. They're on chains hanging from the basement ceiling. (I just lowered them from 1.5" above the tallest seedling to 0.5" above.)

I do have a cold frame on my south-facing deck. (It automatically opens and closes. It has opened itself right now.) Would they be better off in there? Maybe for short periods of time at least?

Right now, today, it's 65 out. But it's supposed to cool down again (50s day, high 30s night). I'll put them in there for now (it's clearly warm in there now), but if/when it closes itself or gets dark, I'll bring them back in. Today.

But what about tomorrow and the rest of the week, when it's supposed to be colder?
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