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Old April 16, 2015   #11
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Originally Posted by AZGardener View Post
Well- Its only these 6 plants that seem to be yellowing. My other plants are doing excellent! I even have my first cucumber that is about 3 inches long today! So I guess we shall see. I'm not as experienced with cucs as I am with tomatoes. I hope its not RKN or FW?! Gah! Too early for that stuff!!
Two years ago I made the mistake of planting a trellis of cucumbers at the end of one of my beds that I knew was infested with RKN. By mid May all my plants were in terrible shape and no longer producing fruit. The vines ended up only going about 4 or 5 ft up the 7 ft trellis even though they had been growing for over two months. When I pulled them up the roots were just shredded and nothing but knots. Adding some good compost or manure can lessen RKN damage but by the time it heats up the plants will quickly weaken where RKN are infesting the soil heavily. Amazingly you can still get some good production if the plants are started early enough in the spring. Once hot weather arrives RKN will quickly damage the roots beyond the point where they can adequately feed the vines and they sure can make it a shorter cucumber season. A good way to tell if you might have RKN is to see if wilted vines perk up good after a thorough watering.

The fusarium symptoms seem a bit similar to what you see on tomatoes. Some yellowing and dropping of blossoms with slow growth and poor fruit production.
Eventually the whole vine yellows and dies.

I hope you have neither and are just experiencing some fertilizer deficit.

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