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Old March 19, 2015   #25
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: mo
Posts: 24

Lots of replies! Regarding power outages, we do have them somewhat frequently, but most generally last less than a day and are due to thunderstorms. Our severe weather risks are from ice storms and tornadoes, so if there was an ice storm, I'd stash stuff outside if needed and if there was a tornado, I wouldn't care about the freezer.

My budget for this item is around $70. When I checked Walmart online, getting a WBC with accessories would run me about $40 and a 24 pack of jars would be about $30, and a foodsaver would be about $70. Then there's also the fact I'd need to get a food mill.

I may end up having both, but getting them both this year isn't in the budget at the moment.
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