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Old March 14, 2015   #7
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Land of the White Eagle
Posts: 341

The biggest issues in Northern and Eastern Europe is the fact that we have a low amount of sunlight and many rainy days, this means early/late blight are big issues here. Late blight can wipe out entire crops before the end of the year, cutting short almost a month of potential production.

Many Russian heirlooms are great for producing early, healthy plants, but none of them show the late blight tolerance that I'd like to see.

Germoplasm from Netherlands is made for that Atlantic - warm - greenhouse world, a bit different from gloomy, dark Eastern Europe.

Southern European varieties - forget about it here. You'd be lucky to get anything after July.

So far in terms of production, the natives of Czech republic work wonders, same with Poland, but many of them are determinate, and I want to shoot for indeterminate because with my methods, I can get flowers to bud by February and want to continue at least until October.

Whiteflies are another huge pest, that I do not have a real answer for.

Last edited by snugglekitten; March 14, 2015 at 05:48 AM.
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