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Old March 13, 2015   #5
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Noblesville, IN
Posts: 112

Show me the roots! I have experimented with DE this year. I have supplemented with; buffalo loam and compost tea, kelp based and a little non-org. I wanted big healthy roots that know how to find their own nutes.

The experiment also includes growing slow and cool. I wanted them to be ready for the cool nights when they go out so I am keeping them very purple. In the past I kept them warm and cozy with nutes within reach. They were tall and lanky from being babied in a warm rich environment. They were root bound and droopy if the moisture wasn't perfect. Now they have been exposed to 50 deg nights and 80 deg days. If I come home and it's 85 in the GH they seem less stressed and not as thirsty.

Another part of the experiment was to have them exposed to indirect sunlight from day one in the GH. They are only supplemented with artificial light.

I think DE is a good way to get them started but they need more once they get going. I like the fact that I can pull the plant out by the stem and roots are sturdy. I can re-use the DE. 2-3 minutes in the micro and it will reach 200 degs, is sterile and ready to go again.

The whole point was to mimic nature and the way a seed would naturally start. I just tried to mimic it earlier than what MN would do outside. Origianlly I wanted to use DE to make cleaning roots easier for planting in aquaponic beds. I think the real benefit is how it holds moisture and oxygen.

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