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Old February 28, 2015   #2
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Originally Posted by snugglekitten View Post
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I fear that we are at a cross roads. The tomato, in all its terrestrial glory, no longer knows what it is.

Today every shiny, flashy new tomato is cross-dressed in a name that denies its solanum origin.

We have "cherry tomatoes" "banana tomatoes" "grape tomatoes" "strawberry tomatoes" "chocolate tomatoes" "raspberry tomatoes" "blueberry tomatoes" "indigo apple tomatoes", and the list goes on and on.

No other fruit is facing this crisis of confidence. There is no "tomato melon" or even a "tomato apple."

So what is, pray tell, the numinous nature of this mysterious fruit?

What is the true TOMATO, I ask?

and why do we need to hide our cravings for this lycopene-rich afrodesiac that will make a man into a (quoting Jesse Ventura) "GDam sexual tyranasaurus?"

If you could pick one cultivar, and give it to a diplomatic envoy from another planet, which would it be?

Which worthy werewolf-berry of wonder would you choose and why?
Crisis of confidence? I love it.

If the situation is that bad I'd switch to growing only cukes or carrots or whatever. Or if it has to be a so called berry one, then I prefer red raspberries myself.

True tomato? I'd look very closely at the now 15 or so different original species that have been identified from different areas in South America that have ultimately been the source of ALL the varieties we know today.

I especially like the currant ones, aka Solanum pimpinellifolium, so maybe I'd give seeds of that one to folks on another planet.

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