Thread: Okra
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Old February 12, 2007   #35
dokutaaguriin's Avatar
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The texture of okra is something to be savoured.
I never tried okra until I went to Japan and was introduced to other foods with the same mucilaginous texture)
yamaimo or nagaimo (sticky potato)

Once you grind it up it oxidizes very quickly.

Moroheya (an Egyptian leafy green vegetable that produces the same texture)

AND, of course, the king of this kind of texture nattou fermented soyabeans- If you can stand the smell of vegimite then you can eat this,

We sometimes mix any of the above vegetables with our nattou.
Nattou is packed full of vitamins (esp. those B ones we vegetarians need, eh Jen.) and the more you mix it up the better and tastier it becomes.
Everyone should go beyond Okra and explore the wonderful world of food mucilaginy (is this really a word) !!!
PS The problem I found growing it was the cool evening temperatures inhibited proper polination and the aphids had a field day with my plant.
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